Inventory of orchids in the Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Davao Oriental, Philippines


Author(s): Stela A. Dizon, Ana P. Ocenar and Mark Arcebal K. Naive*

The orchid family is the most threatened group of plants in the Philippines, andremains to be poorly known and studied. A thorough survey was done from the base to the peakof the mountain Mount Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary (MHRWS) to record and identifytheorchid species. MHRWS harbors 45 species of orchids, 23 of them are Philippine endemic, a fewmay be undescribed. About 53% are epiphytes and 47% are terrestrial. The remarkable richness oforchids found in the present study highlights the importance for conservation of flora in MHRWSand other mountains and forests reserves in Mindanao.

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